Welcome To The Matthew Szczur Foundation Web Site
In 2010, San Diego Padres outfielder Matthew Szczur was given the opportunity to have his blood tested, donating his bone marrow to a baby girl from the Ukraine. Anastasia received the bone marrow when she was 18 months old, and today she’s living her life by swimming, doing karate, and being a kid.
In 2017 Matt, along with his wife Natalie, founded the Matthew Szczur Foundation with the purpose of raising awareness for bone marrow donors.
Odds of being a bone marrow match are 1 in 80,000. The more bone marrow drives the Matthew Szczur Foundation can hold, the more testing and money will be raised with the intent of saving more lives.
While raising awareness through his foundation, Matt’s future goal is to host bone marrow drives in as many major league baseball stadiums as he can and get as many people tested as possible.
Every 3 minutes, 3 people are diagnosed with blood cancer. If you have the chance to help one of those people, would you?
Matthew & Natalie Szczur want to thank you for joining the cause to fight against blood cancer.

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